Getting Out of Software Development? These 4 Destinations Are Waiting for You

<p>There are two different types of developers:</p> <ul> <li>Those who love programming</li> <li>Those who work in programming for the money</li> </ul> <blockquote> <p>Speak for yourself. I&rsquo;m in it because I need an excuse to laugh at those with dvorak keyboards.</p> </blockquote> <p>Whichever camp you fall into it is likely one day you will exit the profession. That might mean retirement or one of the other&nbsp;<em>final destinations</em><strong>&nbsp;</strong>listed below.</p> <p>If you haven&rsquo;t made a plan this can be a difficult transition.</p> <p><strong><em>To help you plan here are 4 reasons you might leave software development, WHY people leave, and HOW you should enact this plan.</em></strong></p> <h1>The reasons</h1> <h2>Burnout</h2> <p>It&rsquo;s common in software development to work long hours and late nights. You might have experienced working in a toxic environment where your better nature is used against you and you are made to feel, that you must deliver no matter the personal cost.</p> <p>Many find this type of environment to be difficult and put up with it for the money or until they find an alternative job. Admittedly some developers do&nbsp;<em>enjoy</em>&nbsp;working under pressure and even thrive in such environments.</p> <p>People&rsquo;s lives can change. Some people decide to work on a hobby or another focus. Others perform a&nbsp;<code>git clone</code>&nbsp;on themselves and get children.</p> <p>Whatever the reason for stopping accepting working in that way is it seems to come to most (if not all).</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>