Gen G (as in Glock) Gets the Vote

<p>I am obviously speculating here. Abortion had plenty to do with the lop-sided outcome in the Wisconsin&rsquo;s Supreme Court race. But as school shootings keep happening, and gerrymandered state legislatures keep stonewalling, I believe more and more young voters will act on what those shootings did to them. Every state-wide election in a heavily gerrymandered state is an opportunity to tell the Gun Owner Party that they have over-reached; they may have the state legislatures, but that is&nbsp;<em>all</em>&nbsp;they will ever have until they start doing about guns what the people in their states want done about guns. Every year, a new crop of eighteen-year-olds who did active shooter drills in school joins the anti-gun army. How can they not?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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