Athens, Georgia Foodie Travel Guide

<p>Native Americans have lived in the area now known as Athens for centuries, perhaps dating back 1,000 years. When Europeans landed in present day Georgia, tribes of native peoples were spread throughout the area. White Europeans called these people Creek because they lived near waterways.</p> <p>Disease killed 90% of the native population and broken treaties as well as the Indian Removal Act of 1830 resulted in most Native Americans being killed or forcibly removed to land west of the Mississippi River.</p> <p>In 1785, the Georgia Assembly chartered the University of Georgia. By the early 1800&rsquo;s Athens was a hub for the manufacture of textiles. Nearby plantations, bolstered by the use of forced African labor, supplied the raw cotton to the textile factories of Athens. By the start of the Civil War, African slaves made up almost half the population of Clarke county. In the whole of the county there was only one free black person in all of Athens. During the war, Athens mills churned out uniforms for the Confederacy.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Georgia Foodie