Another purportedly hard geometry puzzle

<p>One can rotate&nbsp;<em>Figure 1</em>&nbsp;anticlockwise by 90&deg; and flip it horizontally without changing the radius of the smaller circle. The hope is that this will make the problem easier to solve. This is&nbsp;<em>Figure 3</em>&nbsp;below.</p> <p><img alt="A circle is nestled between three curves on the positive x y plane. First, the concave edge of a circle of radius one centred at the origin. Second, the convex edge of the curve y equals x squared. Third, the x axis. What is the radius of the circle?" src="*eLpJYFVM7OrDFg5UmwJeEQ.png" style="height:640px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Figure 3: Rotated and flipped version of the problem</p> <p>Notice how &radic;<em>x&nbsp;</em>has become&nbsp;<em>x&sup2;</em>. That&rsquo;s because rotating switches the&nbsp;<em>x</em>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<em>y</em>&nbsp;for each other. It problem suddenly looks much better! Now, let&rsquo;s name some points of interest. These are shown in&nbsp;<em>Figure 4</em>.</p> <p>These points of interest are the following: the centre (<em>a, b</em>) and radius (<em>r</em>)<em>&nbsp;</em>of our circle (the smaller circle), and the three points of tangency ((<em>a1, a2</em>), (<em>b1, b2</em>) and (<em>c1, c2</em>)) of the three curves that form tangents with our circle respectively.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>