Geometric Proof of the Difference of Squares: a² — b²

<p>The&nbsp;<strong>difference of two squares</strong>&nbsp;is subtracting a square number from another squared number. And these numbers don&rsquo;t have be perfect squares. Thankfully, difference of squares can be factored easily.</p> <p><strong><em>a&sup2; &mdash; b&sup2;</em></strong>&nbsp;is ubiquitous in mathematics, and it is also supercalifragilisticexpialidocious for algebra.</p> <pre> If we speak algebraically:<strong>(a + b)&bull;(a &mdash; b) = a&sup2; + ba &mdash; ab -b&sup2; = a&sup2; &mdash; b&sup2;</strong></pre> <p>But there is a different and beautiful way to represent&nbsp;<strong><em>a&sup2; &mdash; b&sup2;</em></strong>. We can create multiple representations of this single concept, which is the beauty of mathematics. For instance, geometric objects are powerful in visualizing algebraic formulas and equations.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>