Genome Sleuths: Cracking the Allopolyploid Code

<p>Before we explore the world of evolution, it&rsquo;s important to set the scene by defining some key terms. Phylogenetics is a detective&rsquo;s toolkit for discovering the family tree of living things, working out who&rsquo;s related and how. Most commonly, genes serve as the first breadcrumps for a researcher.</p> <p>In our biological case, genes can be thought of as the individual pieces of evidence. These genes are like tiny instruction manuals. They tell our bodies how to grow, how to function and how to stay alive. Where do we find these genes? They&rsquo;re tucked away in structures known as chromosomes. Think of them as binders containing these instruction manual pages. The whole set of instructions, all the genes in an organism, is what we call the genome. So, if the genes are the pages or fingerprints in our case, then the chromosomes are the folders, and the genome is the whole case file.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Genome Sleuths