Pharmaceutical Education and Communication: The Power of AI-Generated Visuals”
<h1><strong>How to generate visual prompts</strong></h1>
<p>To unlock optimal results, mastering the art of prompting is essential.</p>
<li>Length <em>(Shorter prompts give efficient results)</em></li>
<li>Language <em>(Moderate English)</em></li>
<li>How the information should be presented <em>(image/ video)</em></li>
<li>Style <em>(Cinematic, Illustrative, Digital art, Diagram)</em></li>
<li>Tone <em>(Not confusing, clear and crisp)</em></li>
<p>Remember, the order of the prompt matters, with <strong>words at the beginning carrying more weight</strong>. Styles like cine, abstract, graphic, and storyboard add versatility to your visual storytelling.</p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>