Setting Up Gaze Interaction

<p>Gaze Interaction essentially interacts with objects when you look at them by raycasting from the center of the headset. To review the components needed, I will be going into the&nbsp;<strong>DemoScene&nbsp;</strong>that was imported with our XR kit.</p> <p>We have several types of&nbsp;<strong>Gaze Interactables</strong>.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*gzRdEVa3lRFQ0qeaPQV9UA.png" style="height:473px; width:700px" /></p> <p>All of these use a component called the&nbsp;<strong>XR Simple Interactable</strong>.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*XJX7ajspmzvLoPz_MJmA7g.png" style="height:318px; width:386px" /></p> <p>This gives us the ability to create an&nbsp;<strong>event&nbsp;</strong>when we interact with the object by looking at it.</p> <p>If you look into the DemoScenes&nbsp;<strong>XR Origin</strong>, you will see that one of the things we don&rsquo;t currently have in our scene, is the&nbsp;<strong>Gaze Interactor</strong>&nbsp;object.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>