Historical Landmarks: Gaudí in Barcelona

<p>Few people left more Historical Landmarks in any city than Gaud&iacute; in Barcelona&hellip;</p> <p>Antoni Gaud&iacute; is the greatest exponent of Catalan architecture and one of the greatest Spanish architects ever. He is known for his strong inspiration in Nature and Religion and the use of ceramics, stained glass and wrought iron.</p> <p>Its main works were classified by UNESCO as World Heritage. The most emblematic &mdash; and also one of the most visited monuments in Spain &mdash; is the Sagrada Familia, which you can see above.</p> <p>Gaudi was responsible for the Nativity Fa&ccedil;ade and the Crypt of this minor basilica. Despite his somewhat early death, his influence and general planning are quite evident in practically every detail of this great Christian temple.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/viagens-com-est%C3%B3ria/historical-landmarks-gaud%C3%AD-in-barcelona-849622a9ed2a"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>