Saying Goodbye to Ingress: Embracing the Future of Kubernetes Traffic Management with Gateway API and Cilium

<p>In the dynamic world of Kubernetes, managing ingress traffic efficiently and securely has always been a crucial challenge.</p> <p>However, a groundbreaking solution has emerged, promising to transform the way we handle traffic routing within Kubernetes clusters. Meet the&nbsp;<code>Gateway API</code>: a long-term replacement for Kubernetes Ingress that brings a wealth of benefits to operators, including role-based access control, portability, and extensibility.</p> <h1>Goals &amp; Objectives:</h1> <p>In this article, we will delve into the innovative capabilities of Gateway API and explore why it is poised to revolutionize Kubernetes traffic management.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Gateway API