Naked in the Garden

<p>She was crouched, naked in the garden, surrounded by cherry trees in bloom. Why was she all alone, with not even a plaque to identify her? She should be in a museum somewhere, protected from the elements, I thought. But she took no notice. Her strong yet quiet face tilted downward slightly, giving her an inward, introspective air. Her posture, and missing arms, made it obvious she was fashioned in the motif of an ancient Greek Goddess taking her bath. Many Classical works like this have lost their arms, but in this modern version, the sculptor&rsquo;s choice is deliberate. She seems vulnerable, yet poised and unafraid, in the little strip of green that is the&nbsp;<em>Jardin du Porte d&rsquo;Arsenal,&nbsp;</em>near our Paris neighborhood.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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