Why it is time to start thinking of games as databases

<p>In the previous blog post,&nbsp;<a href="https://ajmmertens.medium.com/building-games-in-ecs-with-entity-relationships-657275ba2c6c" rel="noopener">Building Games in ECS with Entity Relationships</a>, I talked about the benefits of treating relationships between entities as first class citizens in a game. In this new blog post I&rsquo;ll dive deeper into one of those benefits, and the futuristic capabilities it could unlock.</p> <p>Sit back, relax and make yourself comfortable. This is a long one.</p> <h1>Part 1: Intelligent Agents</h1> <p>Imagine an NPC sitting in a space bar, minding her own business, when a human player walks in. This particular player just came back from a raid on a nearby space station and obtained a valuable artifact. This space station happened to belong to the NPC&rsquo;s faction.</p> <p>The NPC is no direct match for the player, so she decides to post a mission in the sector to take back the artifact from the player, in return for good standing with the faction. Within seconds the mission is accepted.</p> <p>As soon as the player clears the planet, he is ambushed and forced to surrender the artifact back to the faction.</p> <p><a href="https://ajmmertens.medium.com/why-it-is-time-to-start-thinking-of-games-as-databases-e7971da33ac3"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>