Galaxy Formation

<p>In the early stages of the formation of the universe, matter filled the raw universe homogeneously. But the distribution of matter was not exactly perfectly uniform. Some regions were negligibly denser than others. The relatively large gravitation in these relatively dense regions helped to overcome the expansion rate of the universe and condense matter. About 1 billion years after the formation of the Universe, pre-galactic clouds formed. In dense regions, matter is compressed due to gravitation and galaxy clusters are formed. Pre-galactic clouds condensed and prepared the formation of the first stars. Stars evolved rapidly because of their great mass. Evolution resulted in supernova explosions and the formation of heavy elements. Supernovae also heated the gas and changed its speed. As a result of this heating, the collapse of gas slowed down and the gas slowly took the shape of a disk.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>