Have You Gained Weight? And Other Annoying Questions by Family

<p>Yesterday, I went to have lunch with my uncle. After I said hi and touched his feet to show respect, my uncle said, &ldquo;You&rsquo;ve gotten big.&rdquo;</p> <p>He then proceeded to spread his arms wide to indicate how &ldquo;big&rdquo; I&rsquo;ve become. It kinda looked like he was imitating Santa Clause saying, &ldquo;ho ho ho.&rdquo;</p> <p>I was shocked. My aunt and a few other family members that were present during this interaction stood silent as well. I made a joke, as I always tend to do in awkward situations when I have no idea what to say. He didn&rsquo;t laugh and just walked away.</p> <p><a href="https://keridesai.medium.com/have-you-gained-weight-and-other-annoying-things-family-members-say-4a421abae9c4"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Gained Weight