BURNTSIENNA FIELD RESEARCH — ‘Come as You Are’, Derrick Adams (at Gagosian Beverly Hills)

<p><em>Ed. note &mdash; Exhibition openings in Los Angeles, for the creative professional-set, tend to be a bit like the university yard (or commons) &mdash; a space to catch up with old colleagues and friends, make new acquantences, size everyone up and check everyone out (specifically : Fashion. capital F.).</em></p> <p><em>This is especially true and special for creative professionals of colour, as it can sometines feel Very isolating both in our respective careers and in many white-box spaces.</em></p> <p><em>But anytime an artist of colour is presenting, we all present ourselves accordingly and show up, per the assignment. As such, it is always a delight running into folks from previous lives, careers, and states of being. Here we all are; still here, hearts still beating, still creating, and in many ways thriving more than we might think that we are in our day to day.</em></p> <p><em>It&rsquo;s these generous realzations and reflections of feeling enough, being enough, and feeling welcome to come exactly as we are, that Derrick Adams has infused in these works on display, reminding us that there is always more silent significance to the quiet comforts and daily mundane than we may give credit to, or allowance for.</em></p> <p><a href="https://burntsienna.medium.com/burntsienna-field-research-come-as-you-are-derrick-adams-at-gagosian-beverly-hills-b92733c43182"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Beverly Hills