Electric Callboy bring the party with Holding Absence and Future Palace

<p>Back in the game, I&rsquo;d say! Sure, it&rsquo;s been less than a year since I&rsquo;ve last covered a live gig, but 2023 promises to be something special, starting with this holy Sunday. While over in the US, masses are gathering for the Superbowl &mdash; and rightly so, Rhianna performing the half-time show promises to be a spectacle &mdash; over in Lisbon a line is forming at the entrance of Lisboa ao Vivo, a venue growing in popularity since their recent move to a different neighbourhood, already being the home of several incredible gigs.</p> <p><a href="https://ricardo-dutoit.medium.com/electric-callboy-bring-the-party-with-holding-absence-and-future-palace-acc5a689af16"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Future Palace