Evaluating the Viability of Alternative Fusion Reactants
<p>Nuclear fusion has been in research for now, more than 60 years. Then, and now, the most popular reactants used have been <strong>D-T <em>(Dueterium-Tritium)</em></strong>. But in the past 20–30 years, the field of fusion has realized that the <strong>shortage of tritium</strong> will be a significant challenge facing D-T reactors. Since then, we've seen different innovative approaches, some of which used <strong>D-D <em>(Deuterium-Deuterium)</em></strong> and even <strong>D-He3 <em>(Deuterium-Helium3)</em></strong><em>. </em>This article will discuss the viability of alternative fusion reactants, energy output, and <strong>how we plan to solve the tritium shortage</strong>.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@rayanaly1105/evaluating-the-viability-of-alternative-fusion-reactants-89a9e3260c44"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>