By Design: Fundamentals

<p>Approximately 14 billion years ago, there existed a point in time when all the forces and particles in the universe were in a unified state. In 1927, Georges LeMaitre introduced a groundbreaking theory that later became known as the Big Bang Theory. He reasoned that if Einstein&rsquo;s theories held true, the universe must be in a state of expansion. LeMaitre postulated a consistent expansion in all directions, maintaining uniformity in its composition, albeit not in a static state. A significant debate ensued for several years, pitting proponents of these expansion theories against those who adhered to the &lsquo;steady state&rsquo; theory, positing an eternal and unchanging universe. This dispute reached a resolution in 1978 when Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered compelling evidence of cosmic background radiation. This discovery served as confirmation of the predicted residual effects of the Big Bang explosion that occurred billions of years ago.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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