How to Directly Fund Indigenously-led Ocean Conservation — The Moonjelly Building Block Approach

<p>The ocean is our planet&rsquo;s lifeblood. It regulates our climate, supplies half of our oxygen, and provides sustenance to billions. Yet, our ocean is under serious threat &mdash; from overfishing, pollution, habitat loss, and much more &mdash; diminishing its health, resilience and productivity.</p> <p>Historically, those with the deepest knowledge of ocean care &mdash; local and Indigenous communities &mdash; have been sidelined. Their millennia-old, time-tested traditional practices of environmental management have been suppressed. At the same time, 80% of the world&rsquo;s biodiversity is found in territories protected, owned, or occupied by Indigenous Peoples (1), encompassing vast coastal and oceanic expanses.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>