Ignorance fuels injustice: What disability rights taught me about power and privilege

<p>Certainly, the events of this year have tested any commitment to hope, and to the belief that equality can triumph over indifference and injustice. We are witnessing alarming levels of racism and bigotry in the West. We feel anguished and powerless over the plight of refugees from war-torn regions in the Middle East and Africa. The world over, continued violence against women and girls, ethnic minorities, LGBTQ communities, and other vulnerable people reminds us that inequality can exact deadly consequences.</p> <p>In the United States, we find ourselves grieving far too often. We despair over the innocent African Americans killed by police&nbsp;<em>and</em>over the killings of innocent officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge. As we try to measure the incalculable costs of this violence &mdash; and the trauma it expands and extends &mdash; we are called to work with greater urgency to connect the reality we see with the solutions we seek.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@darrenwalker/ignorance-fuels-injustice-what-disability-rights-taught-me-about-power-and-privilege-510c34e1f980"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>