Fuel Cells: How they work and will they work?

<p><strong>Central electrolyte layer:</strong>&nbsp;This thin, dense membrane allows only protons to pass between the electrodes while blocking electrons. Typically made from specialty materials like Nafion or solid oxides.</p> <p><strong>Anode and cathode electrodes on either side of the electrolyte:</strong>&nbsp;Made of conductive materials like platinum, gold, or carbon. These electrodes catalyse the chemical reactions and provide a porous structure to maximise surface area.</p> <p><strong>Gas diffusion layers (GDLs):</strong>&nbsp;Surround the electrodes and are made of porous carbon cloth/paper. Evenly distribute reactant gases and remove product water.</p> <p><strong>Bipolar plates:</strong>&nbsp;Provide structural support and conduct electrons between cells. Contain flow channels to guide reactants and coolant.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@theangineer/fuel-cells-how-they-work-and-will-they-work-1bed96d058aa"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Fuel Cells