3 Takes From Retirees On How Retirement Is Going

<p>I had a post that was fairly well received by most titled<a href="https://medium.com/@bamaman92/5-takes-from-retirees-on-how-retirement-is-going-ac63e622d1a4" rel="noopener">&nbsp;&ldquo;5 Takes From Retirees On How Retirement Is Going.&rdquo;</a>&nbsp;It was a brief synopsis of how each retiree was doing in their retirement life. Some were doing quite well. Others weren&rsquo;t doing well at all. Since everyone (except for the occasional troll) seemed to enjoy that first article, I decided to trim it down to 3 to include more input into each story. I felt I was being too brief in each interview in the&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;5 Takes&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;article. In the&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;3 Takes&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;I hope to get more in depth on the personal and financial side of each retiree.</p> <p>As always, these retirees are from the senior center where I teach computer basics on Saturday mornings. One is from my computer basics class. I&rsquo;ll let you guess which one it is by his or her demeanor. Unlike most times, I will use the real names these retirees go by. All 3 told me I could use their first names. I was gratified to hear that from these 3 gentle people. I am tired of making up names. But enough chit chat, let&rsquo;s get into the first interview.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@bamaman92/3-takes-from-retirees-on-how-retirement-is-going-4ce4ac8840eb"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Retirees