How Not to Treat Your Friends with Cars

<p>San Francisco cannot be categorized as a car or non-car city in the clear-cut ways that LA and NYC can be, respectively. It&rsquo;s more of an &ldquo;It can be nice to have a car sometimes, but you can totally survive without one&rdquo; city. In fact, it&rsquo;s usually easier and more pleasant not to have one, given all the pains that come with owning and driving cars here. Not to mention that many people in SF would have to choose between paying rent and owning a vehicle.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m fortunate to own a car (and live across the bay, where parking is plentiful), which I know is a nice privilege. Those of you who don&rsquo;t have cars may find relief in knowing you have friends like me. It&rsquo;s great to be able to catch a ride and be driven to and fro across town. And it&rsquo;s OK to mooch rides as long as you regularly offer gas money, right?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Friends Cars