Recovery Doesn’t Mean You Get Your Friends Back

<p>We met in tennis class during our first day of high school. The four of us hung out every lunch on the far side of the quad. We weren&rsquo;t the cool kids, we weren&rsquo;t nerds. The other kids referred to us as the weirds and it stuck.</p> <p>Every weekend we went to coffee houses to see bands and meet girls. Sometimes we&rsquo;d dress up in suits and go to the Universal City Walk for fun. Alone we were awkward but being part of a group made us feel like badasses.</p> <p>I was the first one to move out of my parent&#39;s house and into my own apartment. It was across the street from Cal State Northridge College. I sold weed out of my apartment. There was a steady traffic of college kids coming and going all the time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Friends