10 useful French idioms to express emotions

<p>Hello everyone, emotions and feelings are part of our communication. In today&rsquo;s episode you&rsquo;ll learn how to translate your emotions into expressions in French.</p> <p>Below are 10 common French idioms with explanations and examples that you can use to sound more French and impress native speakers.</p> <p><strong>#1. &Ecirc;tre dans ses petits souliers</strong></p> <p>Meaning: to feel uncomfortable</p> <p>Example: Il est vraiment dans ses petits souliers ce soir.</p> <p><a href="https://medoang.medium.com/10-useful-french-idioms-to-express-emotions-8602bc6a403f"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: French idiomss