A Seven Course French Meal

<p>It starts off with le hors-d&rsquo;&oelig;uvre also called l&rsquo;entr&eacute;e.</p> <p>These are appetizers at the beginning of the meal. The word &lsquo;entr&eacute;e &rsquo; means entrance or beginning, hence justifying its place in the sequence of courses. Mostly the appetizers are &lsquo;Canap&eacute;s&rsquo;. These are small one- bite decorative finger food which has a bread slice as their base and are topped with veggies, beacon, or fish meat and garnished with Basil or Parsley.</p> <p>Some commonly eaten appetizers are Anchovy Canap&eacute;s (top right), Sardine Canap&eacute;s (top left), Mousse de Saumon Canap&eacute;s (bottom left), Brandade de morue Canap&eacute;s (bottom right), Tapenade Canap&eacute;s etc.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/lingothoughts/french-in-seven-course-meal-5d73147a7829"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: French Meal