The impartiality of some French judges undermined by machine learning

<p>As part of its open data policy, the French State [1] has made available to all over 350,000 judicial decisions corresponding to the content of the Legifrance website [2]. Due to the quantity of texts, the existing research tools are sometimes inadequate.</p> <p>At the same time, the technological community (universities, research center, small and large companies) has dramatically improved predictive algorithms dedicated to the understanding of human language. The state of the art allows us to extract reliable and accurate information from documents as a human would.</p> <p>This new combination, where legal data and powerful algorithms are available, offers the possibility of massively analyzing jurisprudence in order to extract a synthetic and unpublished vision.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: French Judges