The Calculated Advantage of French Engineers

<p>During the 19th century, French engineers earned a reputation as innovators in the design and construction of large buildings using iron and steel. There is, of course, the example of the Eiffel Tower, the 300-meter iron structure in the center of Paris recognized throughout the world. When it was built in 1889, the Eiffel Tower was, by far, the tallest structure ever made, a record it held for 40 years. The secret behind the French advantage in building design revolutionized the engineering profession.</p> <p>Engineers look at the world in a particular way. The word &ldquo;engineer&rdquo; derives from words that meant devious or clever device. Harvard professor Antoin Picon, who studies the history of engineers, finds that all engineers share certain habits of mind.[1] Engineers value rationality above all else. They solve complex problems by breaking them down into their component parts. The engineering method relies on experience, empirical knowledge, and the tried-and-true process of trial and error, which has been an important tool for builders and inventors since before there have been engineers.[2]</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>