This Super Mario 64 Level Freaks People Out

<p>T<strong>he Wet-Dry World level is unlike any other level in&nbsp;<em>Super Mario 64</em>.&nbsp;</strong>Everything from the image in the sky, to the soundtrack playing in the background leaves you with an eerie feeling.</p> <p>I first heard people talking about this negative emotional aura on YouTube, and I realized that I felt the same why while playing this level. I immediately became interested in how and why this feeling came to be.</p> <p>After doing some digging on YouTube and Reddit, I learned that I wasn&rsquo;t the only one to have this weird, negative feeling while playing Wet-Dry World.</p> <h1>What is Wet-Dry World?</h1> <p>Once you enter this level, you&rsquo;re stuck in this enclosed space surrounded by four large cement-looking walls with a distorted image of the city above you. It also includes a hidden city area underwater.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Super Mario