Great quotes and mathematical pursuits: Meet Jane Shaw MacDonald, our PIMS PDF at Simon Fraser University.

<p>Jane Shaw MacDonald earned her PhD at the University of Ottawa, where, working with Prof. Yves Bourgault and Prof. Frithjof Lutscher, her thesis spanned subjects in mathematical ecology, numerical analysis, and computational sciences. In this work, she derived mathematical models in one and two spatial dimensions describing a population residing in a climate-driven moving habitat, she developed and validated numerical solvers for each of these models, and she applied these solvers to ecological scenarios in order to further our understanding about the impact of climate change on a species&rsquo; ability to persist. Now she is working at Simon Fraser University with Prof Nilima Nigam and Prof John Stockie on the regularisation and numerical approximation of line sources and mathematical modelling of nordic skiing. In addition to her mathematical pursuits, she is a committed community servant, and in the last year co- founded Math to Power Her Life, an outreach program for middle-school, self-identifying girls to explore mathematics as a career. Her personal hobbies include many outdoor activities, art, and reading.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>