The Frankston Line

<p><em>&lsquo;Did you hear about the dead girl on the Frankston Line? This other girl went up to her because she thought she was giving her an evil look, but the girl was dead!&rsquo;</em></p> <p>Growing up, Frankston was always spoken about like this, more urban legend than a real place. Because I lived in Frankston briefly when I was younger, I&rsquo;ve heard every version of the &lsquo;dead girl on the Frankston Line&rsquo; story. After a smirk at the mention of Frankston, the story is always told to me as though the teller is two degrees of separation from the girl who discovered the body. One would hope that a story like this happening to your friends wouldn&rsquo;t be repeated as though it was a funny incident, so I&rsquo;m pretty sure there&rsquo;s no truth to the story at all. Though sometimes, like my most recent trip to visit family in the Mornington Peninsula, I catch myself wondering about it.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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