3 Similar Things I Found in San Francisco and Lisbon

<p>I remember when, a few years ago, being in Lisbon, I was talking to someone on the Internet that lives in the San Francisco area.</p> <p>At one point he mentioned that the best-known bridge in Lisbon (the 25 of April Bridge) was very similar to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.<br /> After our conversation, I remember looking at some images and finding some similarities. I found it interesting, but this matter quickly stopped being present in my thoughts.</p> <p>Three years ago I had the opportunity to pay a quick visit to the city of San Francisco and then everything changed. This association becomes stronger and the similarities between the two cities now come to my mind many times.</p> <p><a href="https://zenmichael.medium.com/3-similar-things-between-san-francisco-and-lisbon-b9edf3bb3650"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>