Embroidering the Infinite: Fractal Sounds in “Music for 18 Musicians” by Steve Reich

<p>Among the most influential minimalist composers of the 20th century, Steve Reich revolutionized the landscape of contemporary music with his hypnotic style and his innovative compositional techniques.</p> <p>Born in New York in 1936, Reich studied philosophy at Harvard and African percussion at the University of Ghana. Back in New York in the 1960s, he began experimenting with magnetic tape and loops to create music based on phase and process. Pioneering works such as &ldquo;It&rsquo;s Gonna Rain&rdquo; (1965) and &ldquo;Come Out&rdquo; (1966) used staggered recorded tapes to create intricate sound textures. With minimalist pieces like &ldquo;Piano Phase&rdquo; (1967), Reich brought these techniques to live instrumental music.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@cristiano.luchini/embroidering-the-infinite-fractal-sounds-in-music-for-18-musicians-by-steve-reich-5d7c5a24c131"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Fractal Sounds