Madrid in Four Days

<p>I breakfast on some proffered yoghurt from my host Maria, followed by&nbsp;<em>cafe con leche</em>&nbsp;and a croissant at a bakery around the corner.</p> <p>My third day features a visit to the third exalted art museum, the Reina Sofia, which is also, like the other two, less than a ten-minute walk from chez Maria. I will write at length about the Golden Triangle of Art in a follow-up piece.</p> <p>After viewing the Picassos and Dalis, instead of a proper late lunch, I nibble the best chocolate tart in the world. That&rsquo;s the name of the place: &ldquo;La Mejor Tarta da Chocolate del Mundo&rdquo;. And it&rsquo;s certainly as good as any I have encountered, with a chocolate meringue crust and it costs only five Euros, eight with a cappuccino.</p> <p><strong>Learn More</strong></p>
Tags: Madrid