10 Tips for Taking Your Kids to a Formula 1 Race

<p>My children have been watching Formula One racing pretty much since they were born. They don&rsquo;t often watch an entire race, but they like the starts, pit stops, overtakes, crashes and podium celebrations (pretty much the same parts as everyone else, I guess). A typical response when I ask if they want to watch a race with me is, &ldquo;Call me when it&rsquo;s time for the Champagne.&rdquo;</p> <p>The two oldest kids are five and seven years old, but they already know most of the drivers, can identify the different teams and when we recently passed a UPS store, which the five-year-old, Michael, pointed at and said, &ldquo;There&rsquo;s a Ferrari logo.&rdquo; UPS, of course, is a Ferrari sponsor and their logo is on the side of the cars. Likewise, when Ava was two or three, she pointed at cases of Red Bull in the grocery store and said, &ldquo;Sebastian Vettel!&rdquo; (So F1 advertisers, your sponsorship dollars&nbsp;<em>are</em>&nbsp;working.)</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@matthew.walthert/take-kids-family-f1-race-grand-prix-tips-save-money-a8a36ccd00b7"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Formula Race