Three Unique Ways to Measure your Progress in a Foreign Language

<p>Soon after I moved to Prague, the Czech Republic, in 2015, I went to a used book store and bought a book of children&rsquo;s fairy tales in Czech. I love reading fairy tales, so I wanted to use this love to motivate me to read in Czech.</p> <p>I had to translate nearly every word. As it was a second-hand book, I felt okay with writing the translations in pencil next to the word itself (such as the word&nbsp;<em>miska</em>, which is Czech for bowl &mdash; rather important to Goldilocks).</p> <p>I&rsquo;ll be honest, I didn&rsquo;t read consistently from this book, but I did continue my Czech lessons. However, I found the book a few years later and began to read &mdash; and I was astonished (extremely surprised) that I could understand so much!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>click Here</strong></a></p>