Why Football Consumed My World

<p>I am from London&rsquo;s East End, precisely where the notorious Krays once held sway in the 1960s, sending shivers through the criminal underbelly.</p> <p>To me, the area wasn&rsquo;t synonymous with poverty; it was an adventurous playground. I cherished my upbringing, finding endless fascination in my surroundings.</p> <p>Back then, I was blissfully unaware of any financial hardship. I enjoyed a rich family life surrounded by friends and loved ones.</p> <p>Football consumed my world. Until I turned 18, I harboured dreams of becoming a professional footballer. Every Saturday, I embarked on a nearly 5-mile journey on foot to the football field. Being raised by a single mother without a car or a dad to give me a lift, I chose to walk rather than burden her with bus fare.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@larocom/im-embracing-my-football-roots-f478834cd191"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>