The (in)compatibility of Feminism and Football

<p>What is a feminist doing at a football game? I asked myself, as I looked at the crowd (of mostly men), screaming at a team (of men). The floor of our seats was littered with beer cans. The air reeked of sweat &mdash; and ketchup.</p> <p>The team wasn&rsquo;t doing well. The guy behind me yelled: &ldquo;Stop being pussies, defense! I&rsquo;ve got a box of tampons for you!&rdquo;</p> <p>I cringed. Should I have been surprised? Nope. There&rsquo;s a stereotypical fan base for football. A clich&eacute;. Built on so much truth. Sundays watching football, drinking beer, eating nachos, while the women hang out in the kitchen.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: football