3 Signs It’s Time to Bring the Focus Back To Yourself

<h1>1. Others Aren&rsquo;t Listening To You</h1> <p>Breaking free from generational and ancestral cycles has been at the top of my mind since returning to Ghana. My mission is to free myself and my family from the burdens that have held us captive for many generations.</p> <p>I consider myself highly intuitive, and it is through this intuition that the Holy Spirit communicates with me. That&rsquo;s why I often know things that I can&rsquo;t always explain how I know them.</p> <p>When there is a need for me or someone I love to take action in order to&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/mystic-minds/the-5-stages-of-breaking-generational-cycles-and-ancestral-curses-15084f92f5ba" rel="noopener">break a cycle</a>, I can feel it deep within.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s an intuitive knowing.</p> <p>When I share the insights I receive with others, they often listen to me, particularly strangers who hang onto my every word as if their lives depend on it, but I can&rsquo;t say the same about my own family.</p> <p>My family members do not take me seriously. I&rsquo;m the youngest of them all and so they still see me as the young girl I once was.</p> <p>They think I know nothing at all.</p> <p>This often brings to mind the words of Jesus, who once said, &ldquo;<em>A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives, and in his own home.</em>&rdquo;</p> <p>While I do not claim to be&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/godly-minds/3-signs-you-may-have-the-gift-of-prophecy-35e7bd16878c" rel="noopener">a prophet</a>, I believe that I&rsquo;m&nbsp;<a href="https://kimberlyfosu.substack.com/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">a vessel through which God the universe speaks</a>.</p> <p>Whenever I put in so much effort to convey a message to someone I deeply care about, and they simply don&rsquo;t understand it, I end up feeling incredibly exhausted. It&rsquo;s like I&rsquo;m using everything inside me to explain why I know what I know. It makes me feel as if I am incapable of effectively fulfilling the task assigned to me.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/mystic-minds/3-signs-its-time-to-bring-the-focus-back-to-yourself-63d2252ad40c"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Focus Yourself