Flying Home to Australia

<p>Four airports in one day again! Argh! My first flight was with El Al to Bangkok in a 777. I thought I&rsquo;d chosen an exit row but apparently not. The steward said the seat I had was better, but I didn&rsquo;t see how. It was up the front of economy class and on the aisle, but I was surrounded by a group of loud-mouthed Israeli youths travelling to Thailand for a month.</p> <p>The reason I knew they were loud-mouthed was I had been lined up near them at security. They all had brand-new passports and were obviously excited. I had two beside me, one across the aisle and two behind me, so the conversation flowed all over me. Great! I was hoping to sleep.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: flying Home