It’s well past time for flare in Windows

<p>Every time Microsoft puts out a new promotional video for any new product or service, I find myself in awe of the beauty and fluidity of every element and animation. The most recent example was at their most recent event showcasing Copilot AI Assistant and the new lineup of Surface devices. I was interested, excited, and honestly, thrilled with what I saw.</p> <p><strong>Then I received my Microsoft Surface Laptop a few days later.</strong></p> <p>Not only was the fluidity missing, but compared to my Google Pixel (or iPhone 15 Pro before it), or compared to my M2 Max powered 16&quot; MacBook Pro, it felt downright cold and rigid. A digital rigidity that felt like plastic in cold temperatures, ready to crack, snap, and shatter. Technical issues aside, it didn&rsquo;t feel joyful to use, a far cry from the inviting and fun animations in their product videos.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: flare Windows