Capone’s Cousins: The Fischetti Brothers

<p>Capone&rsquo;s forebears came from large families, which meant he had a lot of cousins on both sides of the water. Some believe that Frank Nitto was related through Al&rsquo;s mother, the former Teresina Raiola. But the evidence for that seems to be based largely on his family&rsquo;s proximity in Brooklyn. Others who were said to be cousins of Capone were named Ambroginos, Agoglias, LaRosas. But everyone who has tried to delve into Capone&rsquo;s Italian ancestry has been frustrated by the illiteracy, distrust and&nbsp;<em>omerta&nbsp;</em>of many Italian immigrants and the loss of public and church records during World War II.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>