Hey Look Over Here, Everybody…Fireworks

<p>F<strong>ar be it for me to rain on anyone&rsquo;s parade,</strong>&nbsp;step on anyone&rsquo;s toes, upset anyone&rsquo;s applecart, rock the boat, or otherwise let the air out of anyone&rsquo;s balloon, but&hellip;</p> <p>For three of seven nights last week, the great unwashed masses descended on Vancouver&rsquo;s downtown English Bay area to watch a thirty minute fireworks show, branded for some time now as the Celebration of Light. And sponsored by Honda, obviously.</p> <p>According to a quick google search, It costs about $800,000 multi coloured Canadian dollars to put the whole show on. I would imagine most of that is spent on policing, crowd control and dealing with the huge mountain of garbage that spectators produce and leave behind.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/ellemeno/hey-look-everybody-fireworks-64e9cd12db7"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: fireworks