Home Film Development

<p>The process of film development might seem daunting at first, but it&rsquo;s a journey well worth embarking on. Start by loading your film into a developing tank in a completely dark room or changing bag &mdash; so no light hits the film and ruins your precious photographs.</p> <p>Once the film is safely in the tank, mix your developer. The developer is a chemical solution that reacts with the exposed silver halides in your film, reducing them to metallic silver and creating the dark areas in your negatives.</p> <p>After the film has been in the developer for the recommended amount of time, it&rsquo;s placed in a stop bath. The stop bath halts the development process, preventing the film from becoming overdeveloped. This could be as simple as a running water wash (and this is what I prefer these days, over the over-priced vinegar mixes).</p> <p><a href="https://publication.filmcamera.photography/home-film-development-9ab868f6ddc2"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>