How to count number of lines of large data files in Windows

<h1>Use Case</h1> <p>Counting the number of records of a large data file, which cannot be opened with a text editor or Excel.</p> <h1>wc command (Unix)</h1> <p>This command is used to find the number of lines, characters, words and bytes of a file. Counting number of lines with&nbsp;<code>-l</code>&nbsp;flag is probably the most common tasks in data processing.</p> <pre> $ wc -l BigDataFile.csv 83998131 BigDataFile.csv</pre> <p>Some of the common options are:</p> <pre> -l, - lines - Print the number of lines. -w, - words - Print the number of words. -m, - chars - Print the number of characters. -c, - bytes - Print the number of bytes. -L, - max-line-length - Print the length of the longest line.</pre> <h1>Command Prompt (Windows)</h1> <p>Windows does not have a simple wc equivalent utility. Instead, we can use FIND command.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Files Windows