Where Should You Actually Put Files In Linux?

<p>Imagine you&rsquo;re staring at a handful of cryptic and terse directory names in Linux. You wonder where you should put a particular type of file. Sweat begins to form on your brow. You&rsquo;re up against a deadline and just want to install this thing so you can move on. You panic and throw the file in&nbsp;<code>/usr/share</code>&nbsp;hoping this is the right move.</p> <p>A few days later you find out it should have been placed in&nbsp;<code>/var/local</code>.</p> <p>We&rsquo;ve all been there at some point. The directory structure of Linux can be very confusing and downright nonsensical. What do these names even mean? Where is the &ldquo;right&rdquo; place to put things?</p> <p>Prepare to crack the code on Linux directories because we&rsquo;re going to take a journey into the past so you can have a more stress-free future. In this article we&rsquo;ll decrypt what those names mean and where common types of files live.</p> <p><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/where-should-you-actually-put-files-in-linux-b740f05b79f5"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Files Linux