Where Should You Actually Put Files In Linux?
<p>Imagine you’re staring at a handful of cryptic and terse directory names in Linux. You wonder where you should put a particular type of file. Sweat begins to form on your brow. You’re up against a deadline and just want to install this thing so you can move on. You panic and throw the file in <code>/usr/share</code> hoping this is the right move.</p>
<p>A few days later you find out it should have been placed in <code>/var/local</code>.</p>
<p>We’ve all been there at some point. The directory structure of Linux can be very confusing and downright nonsensical. What do these names even mean? Where is the “right” place to put things?</p>
<p>Prepare to crack the code on Linux directories because we’re going to take a journey into the past so you can have a more stress-free future. In this article we’ll decrypt what those names mean and where common types of files live.</p>
<p><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/where-should-you-actually-put-files-in-linux-b740f05b79f5"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>