A History of Abuse against Women, and the Fight Against It

<p>V<strong>iolence against women hasn&rsquo;t only been prevalent throughout history, for the longest time, it was encouraged for specific circumstances.</strong></p> <p>However, the fact remains that this violence is a heightened behavior, motivated by factors and supported by social structures that malign women in a variety of subtle ways.</p> <p>The differences between men and women in terms of power, both physical and social, isn&rsquo;t lost on anyone. As a man, I have to admit that I don&rsquo;t feel the effects of patriarchy as strongly as women do, and that makes me feel conscious about writing about a topic that is as sensitive as this one.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/upthrust-co/a-history-of-abuse-against-women-and-the-fight-against-it-9d2232ed2ffc"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: fight Against