Felony by Fiat: The Absurd and Arbitrary Regulation of Short-Barreled Firearms in the U.S.

<p>Under the National Firearms Act (NFA), you can be imprisoned for owning an otherwise legal rifle or shotgun if it has a short barrel. Government agents might even kill you &mdash;&nbsp;<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Ridge" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">you certainly wouldn&rsquo;t be the first person killed in the course of enforcing restrictions on short-barreled firearms</a>. And the worst part? You could suddenly and unintentionally find yourself in felonious possession of such a restricted weapon &mdash; even if you haven&rsquo;t broken any laws. Through regulatory magic, the decisions of federal bureaucrats can &ldquo;transform&rdquo; an unremarkable firearm that you&nbsp;<em>already legally acquired and possess</em>&nbsp;into a firearm that&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>illegal&nbsp;</em>under the NFA, without any actual legislative changes taking place.</p> <p>Restrictions on short-barreled firearms curb the exercise of the fundamental and constitutionally protected right to bear arms. Yet, these laws lack any plausible pretext of public safety value. Even worse, peaceful and law-abiding citizens can easily run afoul of these laws through no fault of their own.</p> <p><a href="https://marklivesthings.medium.com/felony-by-fiat-the-absurd-and-arbitrary-regulation-of-short-barreled-firearms-in-the-u-s-f7ad36043213"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Felony Fiat