An inside look at the Fellowship

<p><strong>H:&nbsp;</strong>I&rsquo;ve always been optimistic about the potential for technology to help address challenges facing society and I believe in the power of collaboration to achieve that, which I&rsquo;ve seen first-hand throughout my career. My first job after graduating college focused on using technology to solve public health and public safety problems. That job helped me realize the power of bringing together the public and private sector to solve problems. I&rsquo;m no stranger to recognizing the importance of technology that can deliver critical services from my past work pre-Google, including overseeing the development of a smallpox vaccination program with the U.S. government. As my career progressed, I gravitated toward opportunities to develop scalable products, and in 2011, I set my sights on Google because I felt they had the greatest ability to effect large scale change for good through technology. After a dozen applications, I joined an incubation team that focused on piloting innovative technologies to support small businesses. No matter my core role,</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Fellowship