The State of Texas Vs. the Federal Government.

<p>The immigration issue between the U.S. Federal Government and the State of Texas, has become more than an &ldquo;immigration issue&rdquo;, and may be, transforming itself in to questioning and challenging the authority of the Federal government.</p> <p>While it is clear that federal law supersedes state law, and immigration policy is under the authority of the Federal Government, it seems frivolous for the state of Texas to challenge the federal government on this particular issue.</p> <p>According to Ian Millhiser of Vox, &ldquo;The case involved an extraordinary attack on the federal government&rsquo;s primacy over immigration. Texas erected razor wire barriers along a river in Eagle Pass, Texas, that physically prevented federal Border Patrol agents from entering the area, processing migrants in those areas, or providing assistance to drowning victims. According to the DOJ, the Border Patrol was unable to aid an &ldquo;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>unconscious subject floating on top of the water&rdquo;</strong></a>&nbsp;because of these barriers.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>